
We improved the website by giving it a new look and the customer journey so the website can attract new customers and keep them by convertion optimize the website for example a section to sign up to newletter etc.
By analysing the type of customer through qualitative and quantitative research, target group and lifestyle analysises we used the insights to optimize the website’s function and design. The two target groups are B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer).


Flower shop


Wordpress website
Visual identity
Brand identity


Student work


Adobe Photoshop
Wordpress (Bricks Builder)





Visual identity


Design system

Design and business

I contributed to gain insights about the customers by doing quantitative research and made market and target analyses to get picture of the two target groups: B2C customers in and B2B in Copenhagen. create an as-is customer journey to get an overview of touch points and pain points to improve the customer experience.

To convert visitors to customers the website was optimized by adding digital marketing principles.

Visitors are led to sign up to a newsletter to get for example great offers in exchange for their email address.

Objective goal:
– To gain more private customers through a webshop on the website.
– To design a webshop that is for both private and B2B customers.

By doing quantitive research I designed the website that solves the pain points that I got insights into and which can improve the user experience.
– Private customers could only buy through the physical shop which limits the shop’s amount of customers to the locale area.
– B2B customers should make a call or send an order formular to buy a flower subscription for the company.
– No clear information about the shipment of the flowers to the B2B customers – what happens when the order is sent?

Solution: Improve the customer journey, a clear information architecture (IA), and improve the visual design.

The B2C target group:
By making a market research, analysing the
 target group and their lifestyle I discovered an opportunity:
– The target group is very interested in buying online but the option for buying flowers on the this website isn’t existing.
– This is an opportunity to gain more customers from the area around location of the physical shop.


Visual identity

The layout of the website is designed with inspiration from traditional craftmanship where there is pride in the handmade flower, and the history behind the flower shop.

Quality, creativity, unique, inspiring

Quality / traditional / beauty / simple

HEX: #D26C6C

HEX: #24412B

HEX: #F5F4E2




Tradition, authenticity, artwork, creativity, beauty

Illustrations of outlined flowers and plants in the background that emphasize the creative craftsmanship of creating beautiful flower bouquets.


Visual design system

I made the design system in Figma that gives the website consistency and harmony. To reach out to most visitors I checked that the text sizes and colours are WCAG friendly meaning that there is a good minimum text size and colour contrast so the texts are easy to read. That’s one of the ways to make sure that the visitors get a good user experience.
The images are in Webp format which is the newest format and reduces size compared to the other well-known .formats.


The layout of the front page of the website on desktop and mobile is designed to align the elements nicely. The content for the primay target group is B2C customers comes first like webshop for the most common events in life and then the secondary target group B2B get to know about the flower subscription for companies after.